Apara Ekadashi Date 2024

Apara Ekadashi Vrat will be observed on 2nd 3rd June 2024, Sunday.

Ekadashi Tithi Begins: 05:04 AM on 2nd June 2024

Ekadashi Tithi Ends: at 02:41 AM on 3rd June 2024


Parana Time: 08:05 AM to 08:10 AM on 3rd June

Note: “Parana” is the breaking of the fast. Ekadashi Parana is observed on the next day of Ekadashi fast after sunrise within Dwadashi Tithi.

However, Parana is not done during “Hari Vasara,” which is the first one-fourth duration of Dwadashi. The preferable time for breaking the fast is “Pratahkal.”

Significance of Apara Ekadashi:

In the era of the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna unveiled the profound significance of Apara Ekadashi to Yudhishthira.

He elucidated that observing this Ekadashi Vrat would elevate an individual to great renown through their virtuous deeds. Lord Krishna emphasized the remarkable potency of the Apara Ekadashi Vrat, promising boundless blessings of popularity, wealth, and prosperity to its devout adherents.

The Achala Ekadashi Vrat serves as a redemptive balm for those burdened by the weight of their transgressions. By observing the Apara Ekadashi fast with unwavering devotion, one finds absolution for their sins and may even transcend the cycle of birth and death, attaining moksha. Furthermore, this sacred observance bestows prosperity upon its practitioner.

According to the Puranas, the merits accrued from observing Ekadashi Vrat are tantamount to those obtained from bathing in the sacred waters of the Ganges during the auspicious month of Kartik. Thus, its significance parallels act of charity such as cow donation and sacred Yagnas.

Indeed, the Ekadashi Vrat serves as a beacon of illumination, dispelling the shadows of sin. Such is the magnificence inherent in the observance of Apara Ekadashi Vrat; those who faithfully uphold it are bestowed with divine blessings and bountiful fortune from Lord Vishnu.

Benefits of Observing Achala Ekadashi Vrat:

1. Attainment of prosperity and affluence.
2. Liberation from the shackles of sin, absolving one of guilt.
3. The prospect of achieving moksha through steadfast fasting.
4. Acquisition of admiration, acclaim, and renown.
5. Cultivation of courage, resilience, and self-assurance.

Katha of Apara Ekadashi:

The legend of the Apara Ekadashi Vrat unfolds as follows:

Pandava prince Yudhishtira, in his quest for spiritual wisdom, sought the sacred narrative of the Achala Ekadashi Vrat Katha directly from Lord Krishna himself. The benevolent Lord elucidated that those who devoutly observe the Apara Ekadashi Vrat are bestowed with boundless wealth, hence earning widespread renown across the globe.

On this sacred occasion, homage is paid to Lord Trivikrama.

The potency of this Ekadashi Vrat transcends earthly boundaries, offering absolution from all manner of sins and sparing its adherents from the torments of hell. Furthermore, those who dutifully observe this fast and venerate Lord Vishnu find themselves welcomed into the celestial abode of Vaikunta.

Expounding upon the narrative to Yudhishtira, Lord Krishna recounted the tale of the virtuous King Maheedhvaj and his envious brother Vrajdhwaj. Driven by jealousy, Vrajdhwaj perpetrated a heinous act, slaying his elder sibling and leaving his body beneath a sacred Peepal tree. Thus, Maheedhvaj’s spirit became trapped in a state of unrest.

Fortuitously, Sage Dhaumya encountered the ghostly presence of Maheedhvaj during his wanderings and, through his yogic prowess, delved into the troubled soul’s history. Employing the divine teachings of “Parloka” Vidya, the sage embarked on the Achala Ekadashi fast to liberate Maheedhvaj from his spectral affliction.

Through the transformative power of this Ekadashi Vrat, Maheedhvaj was liberated from his ghostly existence, expressing heartfelt gratitude to Sage Dhaumya before ascending to the celestial realms aboard the divine Pushpaka Vimana.

Lord Krishna emphasized that this narrative was shared for the welfare of humanity, assuring that all who engage with this tale, either through reading or listening, shall find absolution from their sins.

Rules and Rituals of the Achala Ekadashi Vrat:

  • Maintain a mindset free of negativity, fostering thoughts of goodness and purity.
  • Exercise restraint in culinary desires.
  • Opt for sleeping on the floor during the fasting period.
  • Conduct oneself with kindness and respect towards others.
  • Abstain from falsehoods.
  • Uphold fidelity to one’s spouse.
  • Observe the fast with unwavering devotion.
  • Rise before sunrise on the auspicious day of the fast.
  • Adhere strictly to fasting, refraining from consumption of food or liquids.
  • Offer Tulsi leaves, flowers, and incense to the revered idol or image of Lord Vishnu.
  • Illuminate the space with an oil lamp before the sacred deity.
  • Prepare and offer Prasad, such as kheer, to Lord Vishnu.
  • Recite the Achala Ekadashi Vrat Katha with reverence.
  • Engage in the recitation of “Vishnu Sahasranama.”
  • Sing devotional hymns and chants in praise of Lord Vishnu.
  • Distribute the sanctified Prasad among family members, fostering unity and spiritual harmony.