Taurus – Vedic Astrology and Tarot

Taurus: Vedic Astrology & Tarot

Taurus in Vedic Astrology


Taurus, or Vrishabha Rashi, is the second sign of the zodiac in Vedic astrology. Ruled by Venus (Shukra), it is associated with beauty, luxury, stability, and sensual pleasures. As a fixed earth sign, Taurus represents endurance, loyalty, and practicality. The symbol of the bull embodies the steady, determined, and often unshakable nature of Taurus individuals.

Key Attributes:
Element: Earth (Prithvi)
Ruler: Venus (Shukra)
Nature: Fixed (Sthira)
Gender: Female
Quality: Stability, endurance, sensuality
Direction: South

Patience & Endurance: Taurus is known for its slow, steady approach to life. These individuals are patient and methodical, often valuing long-term rewards over short-lived successes.

Love of Beauty & Comfort: Venus, the ruler of Taurus, grants a love for beauty, art, and luxury. Taurus individuals are naturally drawn to the finer things in life, be it through aesthetic pleasures or material wealth.

Practicality & Reliability: Grounded in the earth element, Taurus natives are known for their practical nature. They approach challenges with logic and patience, making them reliable friends and partners.

Possessiveness: The strong sense of loyalty in Taurus can sometimes turn into possessiveness, especially in relationships. Their need for security can lead to holding on too tightly to people or possessions.

Health: Taurus rules the throat, neck, and lower jaw in medical astrology. Natives may experience ailments like sore throats, thyroid issues, or stress-related tension in these areas.

Career & Success: Taurus individuals thrive in careers that allow them to build something tangible and long-lasting. They excel in fields such as finance, real estate, the arts, and anything related to luxury goods.

Karmic Lessons: Taurus must learn the balance between security and growth. While they value stability, they are challenged to not become overly attached to material comfort, embracing change when necessary.

Taurus in Tarot

In the Tarot, Taurus is closely linked with The Hierophant card, which represents tradition, spirituality, and moral authority. The Hierophant symbolizes the wisdom of ancient teachings, embodying the qualities of Taurus’ patience, steadfastness, and loyalty to systems that bring structure and order.

Key Tarot Associations:
Major Arcana Card: The Hierophant (Card V)
Element: Earth
Planetary Influence: Venus

Tradition & Structure: The Hierophant reflects the importance of tradition and spiritual wisdom. Taurus, being an earth sign, resonates with stability, often preferring systems that provide structure and continuity in life.

Connection with Earthly Pleasures: Taurus is strongly associated with earthly pleasures, and The Hierophant encourages a balance between indulgence in material comforts and maintaining a spiritual focus.

Learning & Teaching: The Hierophant often indicates a time of learning, guidance, or mentorship. It reflects Taurus’ methodical approach to gaining knowledge and wisdom over time, symbolizing the pursuit of truth within structured belief systems.

Karmic Guidance: In Tarot, Taurus is reminded to appreciate the beauty and stability in life without becoming overly attached. The Hierophant teaches that balance between material wealth and spiritual fulfillment is key for personal growth.