Kamika Ekadashi Date 2024

Ekadashi Tithi Begins: 08:33 PM on 16th July 2024
Ekadashi Tithi Ends: at 09:02 PM on 17th July 2024

Parana Time – 05:35 AM to 08:20 AM on 18th July

Note: “Parana” is the breaking of the fast. Ekadashi Parana is observed on the next day of Ekadashi fast after sunrise within Dwadashi Tithi.

Kamika Ekadashi Vrat Katha – Kamika Ekadashi is celebrated on the Ekadashi day of Krishna Paksha of Shravan month. Kamika Ekadashi is the best time to worship Lord Vishnu. By the virtue of this fast, the soul gets free from sin. This Ekadashi is the remover of sufferings and gives desired results. Let’s know about Kamika Ekadashi fast.

Significance of Kamika Ekadashi:

On the day of Ekadashi, following a sacred bath, one should make a vow and worship the deity of Shri Vishnu. Offerings such as flowers, fruits, sesame seeds, milk, and panchamrit should be presented to Lord Vishnu, while chanting His name continuously throughout the day without consuming any water for eight prahars. Providing Brahmin meals and offering Dakshina hold significant importance during Ekadashi fasting. Hence, after serving food to the Brahmin and giving Dakshina, one may partake in their meal. By adhering to these rituals, the desires of those observing the fast of Kamika Ekadashi are believed to be fulfilled.

Story of Kamik Ekadashi Vrat:

Arjuna inquired, “O Lord! I have heard the elaborate account of Devshayani Ekadasi in the bright fortnight of Ashadha. Now, kindly elucidate the tale of the Ekadashi occurring in the dark fortnight of Shravan month. What is its appellation? What are its observances? Whom do we worship on this occasion? And what merits does one accrue by fasting?”

To which Lord Krishna responded, “O skilled archer! I shall narrate the saga of the sacred Ekadashi observed during the month of Shravan. Pay heed attentively. Bhishma Pitamah once relayed this sanctified chronicle to Narada, foreseeing its public interest.

Narada expressed his desire, ‘Father, today I wish to hear the tale of the Ekadashi falling in the dark fortnight of Shravan. Kindly illuminate me with its rites and regulations.’

Pitamah Bhishma, upon hearing Narada’s plea, acknowledged, ‘Narada, you have made a commendable proposition. Listen carefully. The Ekadashi occurring in the dark fortnight of Shravan month is known as Kamika. Mere hearing of its narrative bestows the merits equivalent to those earned from a Vajpeya Yajna.

Lord Vishnu is worshipped on the auspicious day of Kamika Ekadashi. Those who offer incense, lamps, and naivedya to Lord Vishnu on this Ekadashi attain superior results surpassing the benefits of bathing in the Ganges.

The merits attained from bathing in Kedar and Kurukshetra during solar and lunar eclipses are acquired through devout worship of Lord Vishnu on Kamika Ekadashi.

The rewards reaped from worshipping Lord Vishnu during Shravan month surpass even those gained from donating land, including oceans and forests.

The merits of bathing in the Gandaki River during Vyatipat are obtained through the worship of the Lord.

Worship of God holds paramount importance; thus, if one cannot devoutly worship, fasting on Kamika Ekadashi of the dark fortnight of Shravan month is recommended.

The merits of performing Gaudaan with a calf adorned with ornaments are acquired by fasting on Kamika Ekadashi.

Those who observe the fast of Kamika Ekadashi and worship Lord Vishnu, appease all gods, Nagas, Kinnars, and Pitris. Hence, those apprehensive of sin should adhere to this fast with due diligence.

For individuals ensnared in the ocean of worldly affairs and sins, fasting on Kamika Ekadashi serves as a means of liberation.

This Ekadashi fast is unparalleled in destroying sins; there exists no other remedy in the world for sin eradication.

O Narada! The Lord Himself proclaims that fasting on Kamika Ekadashi yields more merits than those accrued through spiritual knowledge. One who observes this fast neither encounters Yamraj nor undergoes the torments of hell but attains heavenly abode.

Those who devoutly offer Tulsi leaves to Lord Vishnu on this day remain detached amidst the worldly ocean, akin to a lotus untouched by water despite residing in it.

The merits of worshipping Lord Shrihari with Tulsi leaves equate to the benefits derived from donating gold once and silver four times. Lord Vishnu holds Tulsi leaves in higher regard than jewels, pearls, or gems.

The sins of those who worship the Lord with Tulsi leaves are absolved, and merely beholding Tulsi leaves purifies one’s soul.

Bathing Tulsi leaves in water annuls the torments of Yama, and those who offer Tulsi leaves to the Lord’s lotus feet attain liberation.

Chitragupta fails to document the merits of those who keep vigil and donate lamps on the night of Kamika Ekadashi.

On Ekadashi, the ancestors of those who illuminate a lamp before the Lord relish nectar in heaven.

Those who light ghee or sesame oil lamps before the Lord receive the radiance of thousands of suns in the celestial realm.

Every individual should observe fast on Kamika Ekadashi, as it absolves even the gravest sins like Brahmahatya, granting happiness in this world and ultimately leading to Vishnulok.

By comprehending and internalizing the significance of Kamika Ekadashi, one attains heavenly bliss.”