“Samvatsara” is a Sanskrit term that refers to a year in the Hindu calendar. In Hindu tradition, time is measured in various cycles, and a samvatsara represents one complete year in these cycles. The concept of samvatsara is particularly significant in Vedic astrology and religious observances.

Pandit Dhundhi Raaj, the writer of Jatak Bharnam, having studied the ‘Samhita Granthas’ has spoken of the effects of every ‘Samvatsara’ on an individual while their effects have greater importance in the context of all people. By generalising the effects of the Samvatsara (year), month, fortnight, tithi (lunar date) and day, much knowledge may be gained about the inclination or tendency, manner or way of life, economic condition, health, achievements and longevity etc. of every native.

‘Samvatsara’ roughly means the period of one full year. The time in which the Planet Jupiter with his average speed crosses the journey of one sign is referred to as ‘Samvatsara’. There occur twelve (12) Samvatsaras when Jupiter completes one complete round of the Zodiac. While moving in the Zodiac, Jupiter happens to reach sometimes near the Earth and sometimes far away from it. Besides, it also comes in contact with auspicious or inauspicious rays during its journey. It is because of this fact that the effects of every ‘Samvatsara’ become different. Sixty Samvatsaras repeat again and again in a cycle. At the beginning of creation Jupiter and Saturn were on the zero degree of Aries. The average daily motion of Saturn is two (2) Kalas (minutes). Therefore, it takes full thirty (30) years in revolving around the Zodiac. The average daily motion of Jupiter is five (5) Kalas, (minutes). Therefore it takes full twelve (12) years in completing its journey in the twelve (12) signs of the Zodiac. The L.C.M. (LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE) of 30 and 12 is sixty (60). Therefore, at every sixty (60) years both the Planets reach the same zero degree (0°) of the sign of Aries. In this journey the various angles that are formed between Jupiter and Saturn have their influence on the effects of the Samvatsaras. As a matter of fact no other relationship of the other Planets affects an individual, a place or a country so much as the mutual angular relationship of Saturn and Jupiter.

In addition to being used in the context of time measurement, the term “samvatsara” is also used in Vedic literature and rituals, where it may have broader connotations related to the cyclical nature of time and the cosmic order.

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