The Mars (Mangal Dev)...

Mangal Dev
Puranjay Astro -> Mangal (Mars)

The Mars ( Mangal Dev)

Each planet in our solar system holds a unique significance, and Mars is often referred to as the commander among the nine planets. Mars, known as the planet of happiness, is associated with the feeling of joy and fulfillment. It is believed that the energy and enthusiasm we put into our work often leads to a sense of happiness.

Mars, the fiery planet, is known by various names such as Angarak, Kuj, Bhaum, and more. In Vedic astrology, Mars is considered the Karak planet for Pitt, representing qualities like ambition, courage, and assertiveness. Its influence is believed to play a significant role in shaping one's personality and temperament.

Mars Signification

Mars holds significant influence in Vedic astrology, being the Karak planet of the third house in a Kundali. It governs various aspects such as wheat, ghee, jaggery, saffron, red sandalwood, red flowers, red objects, fire, earth, kingdom, and house. Mars plays a crucial role in matters related to land and property, making it essential for auspiciousness when building a house.

Known as the commander of the nine planets, Mars symbolizes courage, bravery, energy, and passion. These qualities are also associated with the third house in the Kundali. Analyzing the presence of Mars and the third house helps determine these traits in an individual. A strong Mars placement in the Kundali signifies bravery and confidence, while a weak Mars may result in a lack of enthusiasm and self-assurance.

Furthermore, Mars and the third house are also examined to understand relationships with younger siblings. A strong position of Mars in the Janma Kundali indicates better relationships with younger brothers and sisters. Blood reated problems, acidity, High and Low Blood Pressure are the diseases realted to Moon Mrigshira, Chitra and Dhanishta are the Nakshatras Lorded by The Mars.

Mars Attributes

Attribute Value
Gender Male
Caste Kshatriya
Nature Cruel
Places it Signifies Places of Fire.
Zodiac Sign Aries, Scorpio
Direction it Represents South
Deep Exaltation Degree and Sign 28° Capricorn
Mooltrikona Degrees with Sign 0° to 18° Aries
Deep Debilitation Degree with Sign 28° Cancer
Natural Friends Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Natural Enemies Mercury
Neutral with Venus and Saturn
Aspects 4th, 7th & 8th House from its placement in the chart
Vimshottari Dasha Period 07 Years
Directional Strength South
Movement Per Day 24 h 37 m 22.66
Metal Copper
Grain Thuvar Dal
Color Red
Gemstone Coral
Body Constituent Bone Marrow, Majja
Taste Bitter
Mode Tamas
Season Summer (Grishma)
Cloth New & Unused Clothes
Related with Younger Siblings or Brothers
Age Matures at 28
Diety Karttikeya
Gemstone Red Coral
Element Fire
Number Associated with Moon in Numerology 9 or Nine